Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Get instant assistance by exploring our FAQ, here you'll find answers to common queries about our products, services, and policies. It provides quick and helpful information to enhance your experience with us.

Yes absolutely! However, re-sell or re-distribution of designs are NOT allowed in any digital forms. In another words, you can make physical products with our designs, but you are not allowed to re-sell them as SVG, PNG files or any other “printable” or “download-able” items.

You are able to browse and download as many products as you need! Feel free to browse all the categories or use the search to find products which you would like to use. 

When you download a file, it will come in .zip format. You will have to unzip it. In the unzipped file, you will find your desire file formats (like SVG, DXF, PNG etc.)

  • PC: Right-click on the zip file and click “Unzip” or “Extract” (depending on your computer)
  • MAC: Simply double-click on the zip file and it will unzip.
  • iPhone: Download app ‘iZip’ from App Store. Unzip the file using the app. Import it into software app.
  • Android: Select the file and click on ‘Extract.’ Import to software app and use.

This will vary depending on the type of file that you're downloading. For SVG cut files, you will receive a folder with SVG, PNG, JPG, DXF, & PDF files. For a sublimation or print-then-cut file, you will commonly receive transparent 300 dpi PNG files.

YES, you can create physical products for yourself or for your business (physical product example: T-shirts, mugs, signs, keychains, tumblers etc.) for commercial purposes. If you are a free member then you must credit to, that's it!

NO, You can't. All the items are intellectual property of ArtBubbles and our sites. You cannot resell or redistribute any of our items without our written permission.

If you have another question or need any support, please contact us directly: